CEE-SECR 2015 Talks Proposals | CEE-SECR 2015
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Regular talks

7 Votes: I’m interested!
Michael Malyshev|Михаил Малышев

Michael Malyshev

Specific of portable Android devices development

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I’d like to share my experience in rapid development of portable devices based on Android. Examples of such devices…

26 Votes: I’m interested!
Vadim Mustyatsa

Vadim Mustyatsa

23 Votes: I’m interested!
Anton Semenchenko

Anton Semenchenko

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Simon Petkov

Семен Петков

2 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Arseniev

Alexey Arseniev

SAP Fiori UX and Fiori Launchpad as integration platform for business applications

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The presentation covers concept and design of new SAP UX (Fiori) and Fiori Launchpad – a shell for seamless integration of…

33 Votes: I’m interested!
Artem Kolomeec

Artem Kolomeec

17 Votes: I’m interested!
Inga Egorova

Inga Egorova

37 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergey Gridnev

Sergey Gridnev

Development vs Testing – who is on the crucial path

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The problem of quality of artifacts during development can happen in any project. The QA sits without work because there is…

28 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitry Cheremushkin

Dmitry Cheremushkin

6 Votes: I’m interested!
Kirill Danilov

Kirill Danilov

36 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Kolesnikov

Alexander Kolesnikov

About experience of working with metrics for software quality assurance

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In this report I will explain how metrics can help us not only to control the quality of produced products, but also to…

21 Votes: I’m interested!
13 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergey Avdoshin

Sergey Avdoshin

Ecosystem of the SWEBOK Guide V3.0

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The report is devoted changes in academic publication SWEBOK V3.0 (accepted and published in December 2013), and also caused…

8 Votes: I’m interested!
28 Votes: I’m interested!
Vyacheslav Moskalenko

Vyacheslav Moskalenko

53 Votes: I’m interested!
Roman Kvartalnov

Roman Kvartalnov

Design for development

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I would like to talk about an opposition between scenarios and functions in my presentation. We’ll talk about designer’s…

42 Votes: I’m interested!
Ilya Kashtankin

Ilya Kashtankin

Management of project stakeholders

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I would like to tell you about the cooperation of our company’s project managers with the stakeholders of the…

29 Votes: I’m interested!
Anton Semenchenko

Anton Semenchenko

64 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Petrov

Alexey Petrov

14 Votes: I’m interested!
39 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitry Bezuglyy

Dmitry Bezuglyy

Drivers & patterns of organization of effective software development

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“The process – a way to make a success repeated” (Guy Kawasaki) Anyway, we all try to find a silver…

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexandr Suhinin

Alexandr Suhinin

Discovering clones in software: from complex algorithms to everyday desktop tool

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This report looks at modern methods used in IDE for discovering clones. A modification of approach based on suffix trees is…

24 Votes: I’m interested!
Boris Volfson

Boris Volfson

29 Votes: I’m interested!
Svetlana Mukhina

Svetlana Mukhina

Metrics that Bring Value

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There are hundreds, if not thousands metrics that can be gathered on projects, the main question is why it should be gathered…

17 Votes: I’m interested!
Marina Kudinova

Marina Kudinova

CPU utilization prediction methods overview

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We overview the existing methods for CPU utilization prediction, compare their effectiveness and areas of applicability.

19 Votes: I’m interested!
Anton Nesterov

Anton Nesterov

Productisation: moving from outsourcing to product development

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In the paper we present our experience of transition of software development company from service- to product-oriented…

13 Votes: I’m interested!
Svetlana Mukhina

Svetlana Mukhina

11 Votes: I’m interested!
Svetlana Mukhina

Svetlana Mukhina

9 Votes: I’m interested!
Ilya Niklyaev

Ilya Niklyaev

28 Votes: I’m interested!
Olga Pavlova

Olga Pavlova

Embedding Continuous UX into production cycle of IT-company

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“Continuous UX” is a relatively new methodology for integration the familiar (the so-called…

15 Votes: I’m interested!
Elena Belyaeva

Elena Belyaeva

19 Votes: I’m interested!
Kirill Krinkin

Kirill Krinkin

Block Level Data Compression in Linux. Pro et contra.

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The talk is dedicated to analysis of opportunities for on-line data compression on block level. Linux disk subsystem will be…

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Yury Kupriyanov

Yury Kupriyanov

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Shalimov

Alexander Shalimov

19 Votes: I’m interested!
Vasiliy Tolstoy

Vasiliy Tolstoy

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Evgeny Vinogradov

Evgeny Vinogradov

18 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergei Karbovskii

Sergei Karbovskii

To Fear or Not to Fear: A Daunting Interface Paradigm

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An impetuous evolution of brain-computer interfaces calls for considering both technological and socio-humanistic issues.…

40 Votes: I’m interested!
Vadim Zubovich

Vadim Zubovich

11 Votes: I’m interested!
Aleksey Alekseev

Aleksey Alekseev

On development of application for Intel RealSense to animate avatar based 3D models using user’s mimicry

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In the present paper we plan to talk about our experience in development of Intel RealSense applications. We will analyze…

7 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitri Kiryanov

Dmitri Kiryanov

17 Votes: I’m interested!
Eugene Zouev

Eugene Zouev

41 Votes: I’m interested!
Anna Abramova

Anna Abramova

Requirements management is not only about requirements

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The phrase “requirements management” is used so often that already seems to have lost its original meaning. It is often…

9 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Kataev

Alexander Kataev

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Maksim Gaponov

Maksim Gaponov

17 Votes: I’m interested!

On Development of Static Analysis Tools for String-Embedded Languages

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We present the platform which can be used for relatively fast and easy building of endpoint tools that provide a support…

16 Votes: I’m interested!
Roman Belkov

Roman Belkov

37 Votes: I’m interested!
Anton Naumovich

Anton Naumovich

56 Votes: I’m interested!
Victor Sychev

Victor Sychev

Talents management in the IT company’s reality or how to manage talents and not to damage the company

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In my report I will tell you the problems which we were faced with during the company’s rapid growth and how we decided…

11 Votes: I’m interested!

Python Code Performance: Tools for Tuning

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The what, the how and the tools for tuning Python code. The talk will cover several existing tools, and I will present Intel prototype for profiling Python applications.

46 Votes: I’m interested!
Igor Odintsov

Igor Odintsov

IT-education: how to teach what not exists?

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Modern knowledge in the IT becomes obsolete very quickly. The proposed approach in this situation for IT-education is the…

3 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Khrushchev

Alexander Khrushchev

Harness the rhino. Java Scripting API

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Despite the fact that the Java Scripting API is available with Java 6 and is constantly being improved, it has not gained…

8 Votes: I’m interested!
Mikhail Malevannyy

Mikhail Malevannyy

Aspect Markup of a source code for quick navigating a project

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We provide a method to simplify working with crosscutting concerns by adding means of aspect markup of a source code to an…

12 Votes: I’m interested!
Peter Kalambet

Peter Kalambet

31 Votes: I’m interested!
Marko Kazhich

Marko Kazhich

6 Votes: I’m interested!

Particular features of the development of mobile applications for video conferencing

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Development of a distributed system of interaction in real time, such as video conferencing service is a complex process.…

12 Votes: I’m interested!
Timofey Turenko

Timofey Turenko

Automatic tool for multi-configuration environment creation for database server and database proxy application testing

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Presentation describes a tool to create and control test environment for MariaDB Database Server and MariaDB MaxScale proxy…

44 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Florinsky

Alexey Florinsky

Organization of the analytics department

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In the report I will discuss how to create an effective analytics department, which can operate in projects and pre-sales.…

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Fyodorov

Alexey Fyodorov

5 Votes: I’m interested!
Vladimir Kishik

Vladimir Kishik

OpenOnload: raising performance of distributed systems

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OpenOnload is an open-source network stack for Linux improving the performance of distributed systems, for which network…

21 Votes: I’m interested!
Ruslan Savvotin

Ruslan Savvotin

How to launch projects quickly while keeping the User Experience in mind

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One of the main factors in development is speed. But while thinking about speed, we forget about quality. My presentation…

96 Votes: I’m interested!
Nadezhda Mincheva

Nadezhda Mincheva

Painless Integration

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It is often a case when a system does not exist on its own, and rather lives in an environment full of other systems, and is…

26 Votes: I’m interested!
Alex Galkin

Alex Galkin

45 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitriy Kalaev

Dmitriy Kalaev

Out of Your Comfort Zone: How to Discover Growth Potential in Your Business?

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The lecture will help IT entrepreneurs at all stages to take a look at their businesses under a magnifying glass, therefore,…

28 Votes: I’m interested!
Slavy Slavov

Slavy Slavov

21 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Korshak

Alexander Korshak

Smart TV Platforms through the eyes of mobile application developers

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In my report I will talk about the convergence of mobile devices and Smart TVs. It is not a secret that the concept of Smart…

27 Votes: I’m interested!
Svetlana Lazareva

Svetlana Lazareva

43 Votes: I’m interested!
Olesya Voronovich

Olesya Voronovich

54 Votes: I’m interested!
Svetlana Bolsunovskaya

Svetlana Bolsunovskaya

5 “enemies” of teamwork in the SAFe and how to fight them

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Is it possible to create a team of 50 people working in different sites of a company? Can this team effectively execute…

6 Votes: I’m interested!
Aleksandr Serbul

Aleksandr Serbul

36 Votes: I’m interested!
Pavel Kiselyov

Pavel Kiselyov

UX Kit – taming UX of a complex financial software

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Imagine a UI project of five constituents and fifty-plus people involved into a fast-paced parallel development with a…

11 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergey Sukhanov

Sergey Sukhanov

Meteor on hands of developers

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I’ll tell about my experience with MeteorJS. Platform for the development of full-stack javascript applications. It…

26 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexander Fedotov

Alexander Fedotov

39 Votes: I’m interested!
Igor Bespalchuk

Igor Bespalchuk

Architecture: natural and artificial

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The report focuses on the concept of architecture, which is considered as a natural entity and as an artificial object.…

14 Votes: I’m interested!
Vladimir Kupratsevich

Vladimir Kupratsevich

63 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitry Peterson

Dmitry Peterson

How we introduced the quality service

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In my report I would like to tell you the history of formation and development of quality assurance service in our company.I…

17 Votes: I’m interested!
Nikolay Yasinskiy

Nikolay Yasinskiy

How to create a development team of students with minimal cost and risk

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I will describe the approaches in team work, which help to reach deadlines.

25 Votes: I’m interested!
Oksana Nekrasova

Oksana Nekrasova

Agile adoption in the corporation: three waves of transformation

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Popularity of agile in a small companies is well known. However in the big companies effectiveness of agile usage is not so…

8 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Arseniev

Alexey Arseniev

Application integration experience in SAP. Rich vs thin clients, native vs Web based

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The presentation concentrates on issues and challenges related to integration of applications developed using different…

25 Votes: I’m interested!
Pavel Muzyka

Pavel Muzyka

Code generation in .NET: theory, practice and T4 templates

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Presentation deals with tools of code generation in .NET world. T4 templates, built into the Visual Studio code generation…

24 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Moskvin

Alexey Moskvin

Automated deployment of database changes using Liquibase

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During the development of server-side application you need not just to deploy new versions but also update database (schema…

39 Votes: I’m interested!
Michael Rootman

Michael Rootman

PleskFS – hybrid file system for cloud web hosting

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I will talk about what kind of problems have arisen in the implementation of the hybrid file system PleskFS, and how we have…

23 Votes: I’m interested!
Eugene Govako

Eugene Govako

Automated UI testing in isolation: evolution of Simulator approach

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How do we do automation for UI? pro’s and con’s of isolated testing. Mocks vs. stubs. What is a good Simulator?…

23 Votes: I’m interested!
Denis Silakov

Denis Silakov

Testing of software based on third-party components by the Linux distribution example

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By the example of Linux distribution, we will describe our experience of organizing testing process for a product which is primarily based on third-party components.

27 Votes: I’m interested!
Konstantin Bychenkov

Konstantin Bychenkov

30 Votes: I’m interested!
Eugene Shevkoplyas

Eugene Shevkoplyas

28 Votes: I’m interested!
Konstantin Savenkov

Konstantin Savenkov

Measuring the agile process improvement

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The software engineering process have to be continuously improving to account for new people, company growth and the…

35 Votes: I’m interested!
Leonid Migunov

Leonid Migunov

Test House – organization of testing for projects (geographically distributed teams) in one software enterprise solution

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Our presentation addresses the problematic of Creation testing process organization and management of software…

56 Votes: I’m interested!
Denis Doronin

Denis Doronin

Creating Video Assistant for Retails. Gained experience.

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My presentation is about experience that we have gained developing solution, which allows to replace live assistants in brick…

26 Votes: I’m interested!
Sergey Sobolev

Sergey Sobolev

99 Votes: I’m interested!
Anastasiia Kugach (Fedostceva)

Anastasiia Kugach (Fedostceva)

Metrics in software development and testing process, or tyranny of averages

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I want to speak about metrics: why it is important, when and where it is important to apply them. I will share my experience…

45 Votes: I’m interested!
Andrey Konovalov

Andrey Konovalov

Experience of developing Cloud service for Video Surveillance

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I am going to describe in some details an approach and architecture of the VSaaS product on which our team has been working…

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitry Bugaychenko

Dmitry Bugaychenko

22 Votes: I’m interested!
Ksenia Sternina

Ksenia Sternina

How research helps to develop and verify interfaces

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I’ll tell you how in a field study of search engine users the hypothesis of search interfaces for pictures was born.…

29 Votes: I’m interested!
Mikhail Matrosov

Mikhail Matrosov

Daily C++

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I will tell how to write simple, expressive and effective code in modern C++ to solve daily problems. Show which language…

27 Votes: I’m interested!
Pavel Egorov

Pavel Egorov

Why you should organize your IT-conference and how to do it

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IT-company with at least 50 specialists should have its own internal IT-conference. How did we come to that idea? How do we…

29 Votes: I’m interested!
Igor Suhorukov

Igor Suhorukov

AspectJ Scripting

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Open source project AspectJ Scripting combine familiar AspectJ syntax, modification of existing application with…

33 Votes: I’m interested!
Dmitriy Dzyuba

Dmitriy Dzyuba

11 Votes: I’m interested!
24 Votes: I’m interested!
Rina Uzhevko

Rina Uzhevko

Manageability in the testing

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About the Department of monitoring and their functions and often unfairly overlooked. I will talk about the experience of the…

20 Votes: I’m interested!
Andrey Sabynin

Andrey Sabynin

How to manage priorities of tasks assigned to IT in retail bank

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The goal of the article is to describe way of IT task management in big bank or other organization which has a lot of…

47 Votes: I’m interested!
Alexey Pryadko

Alexey Pryadko

41 Votes: I’m interested!
Mikhail Salamatov

Mikhail Salamatov

From a freshman to an engineer. 4 university relations programs.

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In my presentation I’ll tell the story of University Relations Program Development at EMC Russia CoE. Since 2007 we’ve been…

60 Votes: I’m interested!
Vasiliy Mikhailov

Vasiliy Mikhailov

Gold спонсоры

Дойче БанкIntelSAPJetBrainsСбербанк-Технологии

Silver спонсоры

First Line SoftwareEMCЛаборатория КасперскогоQlik


LuxoftСиПроВерDigital DesignOracle

Инновационный спонсор


Embedded спонсор


Генеральные партнёры


При содействии

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Технические партнёры

Хостинг ЦентрРайзебюро ВЕЛЬТПрограммная инженерияOdin

Мобильный партнёр


При поддержке



Software Russiai-Help

Конференция окончена

Ждем вас на SECR 2016

  • What most struck me in this conference was excellent quality of some talks. They were not simply technical showcases of features, techniques and products—which would be very useful indeed—but fully inspirational talks and faithful reports from the trenches of everyday work. These days it’s so easy to find tons of posts, tutorials and articles to explain the hows; it’s much harder to get inspired instead. This is today the primary goal of a technical software conference.

    Dino Esposito
    Technical evangelist

  • Thank you for letting me participate in such a great experience. I really enjoyed all presentations I have attended. Great speakers and vast diversity of talks let me learn so much in such a short time.

    Kamil Grabowski
    Software Developer
    Menlo Innovations

  • As a speaker I really liked the conference organization — everything was quick and exactly as was agreed. As a participant I really enjoyed the conference program. Sometimes due to two or even three interesting reports in parallel tracks, it was almost impossible to make a choice, but I think it is a good thing for a conference.

    Maxim Dorofeev
    Managing partner

  • CEE-SECR is different from other conferences: successful smiling friendly people give the impression that I was on another planet; The conference is well organized and comfortable for participants, there was a speakers’ room, WiFi, space for participants discussions with a board and a screen. A pleasant fact for me was that at the last moment, when I was about to leave on a plane one of the participants told me he was going to SECR for only 2 reports, one of which is mine.

    Boris Shteinberg
    Southern Federal University (Russian Federation)

  • It was nice being back in Moscow and at CEE-SECR. It is a very well organized conference you have, quite different in scope from the normal “western” conferences I attend — and I mean that positively. There is a more practitioner approach, but still some academic touch. And you seem to have a very enthusiastic — and growing — audience attending. So you must be on the right track.

    Lars Bendix
    Associate professor
    Lund University, Sweden

  • SECR is an impressive conference: it covers a broad range of computer science topics, has engaged and excited speakers and attendees, is well organized, and generally a lot of fun to attend. It’s a great place to learn about new topics and meet experts in the field.

    Chris Lattner
    Founder and chief architect