For the time being, sun.misc.Unsafe class from OpenJDK/OracleJDK is very popular. A lot of popular Java Frameworks (Cassandra, Netty, Hazelcast, Neo4j, Akka, Hadoop atd many others) actively use it for their internal needs. Also Unsafe is very popular among highloaded systems developers. The problem is that Java platform developers are seem to be planned to make Unsafe unavailable for external needs. This talk is on what will happen to the entire Java ecosystem because of upcoming changes described above.
Alexey Fyodorov

Technology Evangelist, Odnoklassniki
Java developer for 8+ years. Worked for Oracle for 3 years (JCK Team, Java Platform group). Leader of the St. Petersburg Java User Group, and CodeFreeze community, organizer of largest Russian Java and .NET conferences.
Since 2015 works as Technology Evangelist at Odnoklassniki. Interested in runtimes, multithreaded programming, Java compatibility and software engineering trade-offs.