In the present paper we plan to talk about our experience in development of Intel RealSense applications. We will analyze difficulties that occur in this area, architecture and design solutions and interoperability with third-part libraries. Recommendations, how to create Intel RealSense application effectively, will be given.
Aleksey Alekseev

Software engineer, Singularis Lab, LLC
Software engineer at Singularis Lab, LLC. Education: Volgograd State Technical University, Computer Science Institute, PhD-student. Professional interests: computer vision, image processing.
Alexander Kataev
Software engineer, Singularis Lab, LLC
Software engineer at Singularis Lab, LLC. Education: Volgograd State Technical University, Computer Science Institute, PhD in Computer Science. Participated in ACM ICPC in 2005, 2006 and 2007, in Microsoft Imagine Cup in 2009. Internship in Intel Summer School in 2008. Coach of Volgograd State Technical University programming contest teams, professor at CAD Systems Department. Professional interests: computer vision, image processing, embedded systems.