For speakers | CEE-SECR 2015
2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

For speakers

We congratulate all the authors whose proposals were accepted for inclusion into the conference Program. Below are some important dates and steps for preparing your talk.

Important dates and steps

By September 10, 2015

  • Confirm your participation by email:
  • Read the reviewers recommendations and if needed update your abstract in the system.

By October 15, 2015

  • Upload the final version of your presentation, and paper, if any, to the submission system.
  • Register to the conference (the link was sent by email).

Preparing your Talk

  • Your presentation can be either in English or in Russian language;
  • You can use the conference slides templates or add conference logo to your own template;
  • The preferred slides formats are: .ррt, .ррtx, .ррs, .odp, .pdf;
  • 30 minutes is allocated for regular talks, and 15 minutes for Blitz presentations;
  • Each room will be equipped with a video projector, a notebook with clicker and a microphone.

Preparing your Paper

Travel arrangements

Tour operator Reisebuero WELT is an official partner of the Central & Eastern European Software Engineering Conference in Russia.

They will help you to book travel service with special rates: hotel accommodation, transport and excursions services:

We highly recommend booking your accommodation in Moscow as soon as you register for the conference

Conference organizers will not cover your travelling costs and hotel reservations.


Julia Kryuchkova, Conference Secretary
Tel. (Moscow): +7 499 703 16 55
Tel. (St.-Petersburg): +7 812 336 93 44

Gold спонсоры

Дойче БанкIntelSAPJetBrainsСбербанк-Технологии

Silver спонсоры

First Line SoftwareEMCЛаборатория КасперскогоQlik


LuxoftСиПроВерDigital DesignOracle

Инновационный спонсор


Embedded спонсор


Генеральные партнёры


При содействии

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Технические партнёры

Хостинг ЦентрРайзебюро ВЕЛЬТПрограммная инженерияOdin

Мобильный партнёр


При поддержке



Software Russiai-Help

Конференция окончена

Ждем вас на SECR 2016

  • It was nice being back in Moscow and at CEE-SECR. It is a very well organized conference you have, quite different in scope from the normal “western” conferences I attend — and I mean that positively. There is a more practitioner approach, but still some academic touch. And you seem to have a very enthusiastic — and growing — audience attending. So you must be on the right track.

    Lars Bendix
    Associate professor
    Lund University, Sweden

  • What most struck me in this conference was excellent quality of some talks. They were not simply technical showcases of features, techniques and products—which would be very useful indeed—but fully inspirational talks and faithful reports from the trenches of everyday work. These days it’s so easy to find tons of posts, tutorials and articles to explain the hows; it’s much harder to get inspired instead. This is today the primary goal of a technical software conference.

    Dino Esposito
    Technical evangelist

  • Thank you for letting me participate in such a great experience. I really enjoyed all presentations I have attended. Great speakers and vast diversity of talks let me learn so much in such a short time.

    Kamil Grabowski
    Software Developer
    Menlo Innovations

  • CEE-SECR is different from other conferences: successful smiling friendly people give the impression that I was on another planet; The conference is well organized and comfortable for participants, there was a speakers’ room, WiFi, space for participants discussions with a board and a screen. A pleasant fact for me was that at the last moment, when I was about to leave on a plane one of the participants told me he was going to SECR for only 2 reports, one of which is mine.

    Boris Shteinberg
    Southern Federal University (Russian Federation)

  • SECR is an impressive conference: it covers a broad range of computer science topics, has engaged and excited speakers and attendees, is well organized, and generally a lot of fun to attend. It’s a great place to learn about new topics and meet experts in the field.

    Chris Lattner
    Founder and chief architect

  • As a speaker I really liked the conference organization — everything was quick and exactly as was agreed. As a participant I really enjoyed the conference program. Sometimes due to two or even three interesting reports in parallel tracks, it was almost impossible to make a choice, but I think it is a good thing for a conference.

    Maxim Dorofeev
    Managing partner