It’s not a question if but when you are going to be hacked. Few years back only hackers had the “privilege” to hack, these days anyone with a browser can do it. What has changed and why this is more important then ever to test your product? How can we prevent it and good tactics for security testing.
Slavy Slavov

co-founder, Equafy
Slavy Slavov, ex Head of Global QA organization on 3 continents, co-founder of Equafy (, SaaS for automated cross browser testing on various browsers and mobile devices. Trainer, regular presenter at QA conferences.
Prior to starting Equafy, I managed the activities of eCommera Bulgaria and my team (160 people) was working on some of the biggest online stores – London 2012 Olympics Store, Clarins, House of Fraser, Jimmy Choo, etc.
Prior to joining eCommera I had managed for 4 years the Experian Global QA teams based in UK, Monaco, Bulgaria and Malaysia.
I own 15+ years QA and management experience gained in companies like Experian, Tumbleweed, and Sciant (acquired by VMWare).