Anton Semenchenko
In Russian only, October 24, 11:00-15:00
Attendance is free for the conference participants
What goods are ideal from the seller’s point of view? The goods, that were are and are going to be on demand; the goods that are guaranteed not to be sicken of. Do you want to be a seller of those kinds of goods? I do And not only because of the huge profit that is gained from that kind of selling those goods, but also because of the selling process that is promising to be free and easy and fun time.
Every leader “sells” “goods”… Somebody “sells” “salary”, somebody “carrier”, somebody “professional growth” or “stability”, “tomorrow day’s assurance”, “professional pride”… or maybe “corporate swimming pool” or “comfortable chair in the office”…Wide spectrum of different “goods”; every leader has in his hands some set, from which a packs for the employees are made.
Do you really know what exactly do you want? Are you aware what exactly do your employees want? Are you sure that you might offer exactly the thing they want?
So as a leader let’s make conditions where each employee is going to have maximum happiness, the kind of happiness that is typical for him. Let’s finally start selling “happiness” “without” agents like «salary» or «tasty tea»… Let’s become sellers of «happiness» bested by happy “happiness-customers” Sound tempting…very much…and utopian…
But that’s possible…but you have to understand what price you are going to pay as a leader.
About all that said we are going to talk following that plan:
- Concept
- Science base of the concept
- Theoretical profit from the concept
- Metaphors
- Concept implementation (special case)
- Leader’s examples
- Practical profit from the concept
- Examples and counter example
- Perpendicularus
to classical psychology motivation and manipulation works
- Perpendiculars
to classical management works.
- Limitations based on leader’s gender
- Limitations based on employee’s gender
- Limitations based on leader’s age
- Limitations based on employee’s age
- Cooperative work on detailed concept creation for each role, age and gender
Anton Semenchenko
CSO, co-founder; C++ Architect, QA Automation Department Manager, PM, Group Manager, Process Manager, COMAQA.BY
Activist of COMAQA.BY – automation community. More than 12 years’ experience in IT, main specialty: QA Automation, low level development – C++ and lower :), management, sales.