Programmable networks or Software Defined Networking (SDN) offers new opportunities to manage computer networks: make networks smart, introduce new service faster. However, in real world, the development of SDN applications has come with great complexity: heterogeneous switching devices, control intersections between different applications, simultaneously managing of large number of networks devices. The talk presents approaches on how to make SDN programming easier and hide low level details from the programmer.
Alexander Shalimov

lead programmer-researcher, ARCCN
Positions: Researcher at Applied Research Center for Computer Networks (ARCCN) and Reseacher at Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
University, specialty: Lomonosov Moscow State University, Applied Computational Mathematics and Computer Science.
Work experience:
2008-2010: Moscow State University, Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, The Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL), researcher and developer.
2010-2012: Microsoft Research, internship (2010), visiting researcher (2011-2012).
Academic degree: PhD in Computer Science
My primary research interests are in the areas of computer networks, computer architectures, and compilers:
- software defined networking;
- multicore packet processing;
- distributed systems;
- tiled and multicore systems;
- runtime;
- program compaction;
- energy efficient program execution;
- compiler optimizations;
- profiling;
- program obfuscation;
- reverse engineering.