The report discusses application of Fast Function Points to measure productivity of software production at NSD. The measurements lasted for 9 months from December 2014 to August 2015. Releases of six major systems, written on dozen of languages were measured. The development team had more than 100 emploees (analysts, developers, testers). The cost of measurements with Fast Function Points did not exceed 1% of the production costs of software products named. The measurements had shown very strong correlation between Fast Function Points man-hours estimation and expert man-hours estimation of work to be performed (r = 0.98). An independent audit confirmed the connection between the business requirements and 95 percent of functional points developed. In the experiment, the number ofr Function Points performed by employees and the Quaility of final software product were included in employee’s KPI’s. During the experiment work-hours per function point (effort) lowered by 50%; number of defects per function point in final software product lowered by 50%.
Vasiliy Mikhailov

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