I will tell how to write simple, expressive and effective code in modern C++ to solve daily problems. Show which language tools should be favored, and which should be avoided. We will review a couple of code samples from my practice and I will show how to make them better. The talk is for broad audience.
Mikhail Matrosov

Senior software developer, Align Technology
Graduated from CMC MSU. Worked there in Computer Graphics & Multimedia lab in the field of image processing, computer vision and color theory.
Currently senior software developer at Moscow R&D office of Align Technology. Developing and maintaining CAD system for orthodontic appliances design.
- Had a talk on C++ Russia 2015 conference: meetingcpp.ru/?page_id=608
- Author of NativeViewer extension for Visual Studio: sourceforge.net/projects/nativeviewer/
- StackOverflow member: stackoverflow.com/users/261217/mikhail
- LinkedIn profile: www.linkedin.com/in/mmatrosov
- Full CV: mmatrosov.github.io/cv/matrosov-cv-eng.pdf