Key Speakers. CEE-SECR 2015 | CEE-SECR 2015
2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Keynote & invited speakers

David Goldsmith|Дэвид Голдсмит

David Goldsmith

Co-founder and President
Goldsmith Organization

David Goldsmith is Co-founder and President of New York, Hong Kong based Goldsmith Organization, and Buzd, LLC a San Francisco based patent development company, award-winning author of Paid to THINK, engaging keynote speaker, patent holding inventor, former 12-year…

Dmitry Petunin|Дмитрий Петунин

Dmitry Petunin

Leading Technical Consultant, Intel Software Development tools, Intel Russia

Past 15 years Dmitry worked in compilers development and enabling for Intel and Sun Microsystems. Currently Dmitry is evangelizing Intel Software Development tools

Dmitry holds master degree of Math and Computer science from Novosibirsk State…

Igor Kaloshin

Igor Kaloshin

General director, Intel Software

Since 2012 Igor Kaloshin takes position of General Director of “Intel Software” LLC that is resident of Skolkovo Innovation Center. His area of responsibility and professional interests include government relations and collaborations with innovation development institutes and IT ecosystem in Russia.…

Dmitri Dubograev

Dmitri Dubograev

Founder and managing partner

Dmitri I. Dubograev is a founder and managing partner of the law firm FEMIDA.US (a/k/a International Legal Counsels PC) in Alexandria, VA with affiliate offices in Washington, D.C., Paris and Moscow. He focuses on representation of clients…

Alexey Panyov

Alexey Panyov

Download presentation


Alexey Panyov — Cofounder and CEO at Navigine
PhD in Physics and Maths at Moscow State University
10+ scientific articles
7+ years of experience in special navigation software development

Oleg Plaksin

Oleg Plaksin

Director, International Projects, RVC

In February, 2013 Oleg Plaksin has been appointed as Director, International Projects. He will be responsible for planning and execution of company’s international initiatives as well as for coordination of its international representatives.

Oleg graduated from Leningrad State University,…

Yury Melnichek

Yury Melnichek

Head of Maps, Mail.Ru Group
CEO & Co-founder, MAPS.ME

Yury is responsible for corporate strategy at MAPS.ME. His work experience includes companies like Google, Qnective and eBay.

Anatoliy Zabolotnyy

Anatoliy Zabolotnyy

Solutions Architect, Qlik

Vladimir Pavlov

Vladimir Pavlov

Development Architect, SAP Labs Bulgaria

Software Development Architect with the SAP Cloud Platform team.

15+ years of experience with enterprise architectures, distributed systems, middleware, messaging, persistence technologies, etc.

Current activities in the area of Java EE, Application Programming Models, Cloud, Dev…

Dmitry Lobasev

Dmitry Lobasev

Agile / Lean Coach,

Sergey Belov

Sergey Belov

Security Researcher, Digital Security

Alexey Arseniev

Alexey Arseniev

Development Architect, SAP SE, Germany, Walldorf

Works at SAP since 2001. Has advanced experience in C++, SAP ABAP development and business processes. Currently works as lead development architect in shell and interoperability area, responsible for UI navigation and integration concepts.

Jennifer Trelewicz

Jennifer Trelewicz

Director of Risk and Market Data, Deutsche Bank TechCentre

Jennifer Trelewicz is the Director of Risk and Market Data in Deutsche Bank TechCentre, LtD. Previously she held the roles of Head of the Expert Councils in the Skolkovo Foundation, Deputy CTO of social products in Mail.Ru, CTO of Google-Russia, and Director of the IBM Systems…

Alexander Lazarev

Alexander Lazarev

Applications Engineer, Intel

Areg Melik-Adamyan

Areg Melik-Adamyan

Software Engineering Manager, Intel

Krzysztof Raś

Krzysztof Raś

‎Managing Director & Member of the Board
Grid Dynamics Poland

Krzysztof Raś is an IT leader with several years of experience in general management, software development, project and portfolio management. Passionate about building and running high-performance teams of professionals that produce exceptional results in a global environment.

Alexander Kirillov|Александр Кириллов

Alexander Kirillov

Head of SAP Development Department
Sberbank Technology

Nikolay Vyahhi

Nikolay Vyahhi

Founder, Stepic
Director, Bioinformatics Institute

Nikolay graduated Saint-Petersburg State University, specializing in system programming. He is actively involved in educational projects: Nikolay is (co-)founder of GameChangers, Bioinformatics Institute, Rosalind, and Stepic — non-commercial project to create online constructor…

Sergey Dmitriev

Sergey Dmitriev

General Manager
IBM Science and Technology Center, Russia

Sergey Dmitriev is General Manager of IBM Science and Technology Center (STC), Russia. STC was established in 2006 in Moscow and is now playing a vital role in developing a number of IBM products and solutions in close collaboration with other IBM labs. STC employees are…

Gold sponsors

Deutsche BankIntelSAPJetBrainsSberTech

Silver Sponsors

First Line SoftwareEMCKaspersky LabQlik


LuxoftProgram Verification SystemsDigital DesignOracle

Innovative Sponsor


Embedded Sponsor


Main partners

RussoftAP KITSecon 2015

In cooperation

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Technical partners

Hosting CenterReisebuero WELTSoftware EngineeringOdin

Mobile partner


With support of



Software Russiai-Help

The conference is over

See you at CEE-SECR 2016!

  • It was nice being back in Moscow and at CEE-SECR. It is a very well organized conference you have, quite different in scope from the normal “western” conferences I attend — and I mean that positively. There is a more practitioner approach, but still some academic touch. And you seem to have a very enthusiastic — and growing — audience attending. So you must be on the right track.

    Lars Bendix
    Associate professor
    Lund University, Sweden

  • As a speaker I really liked the conference organization — everything was quick and exactly as was agreed. As a participant I really enjoyed the conference program. Sometimes due to two or even three interesting reports in parallel tracks, it was almost impossible to make a choice, but I think it is a good thing for a conference.

    Maxim Dorofeev
    Managing partner

  • What most struck me in this conference was excellent quality of some talks. They were not simply technical showcases of features, techniques and products—which would be very useful indeed—but fully inspirational talks and faithful reports from the trenches of everyday work. These days it’s so easy to find tons of posts, tutorials and articles to explain the hows; it’s much harder to get inspired instead. This is today the primary goal of a technical software conference.

    Dino Esposito
    Technical evangelist

  • SECR is an impressive conference: it covers a broad range of computer science topics, has engaged and excited speakers and attendees, is well organized, and generally a lot of fun to attend. It’s a great place to learn about new topics and meet experts in the field.

    Chris Lattner
    Founder and chief architect

  • CEE-SECR is different from other conferences: successful smiling friendly people give the impression that I was on another planet; The conference is well organized and comfortable for participants, there was a speakers’ room, WiFi, space for participants discussions with a board and a screen. A pleasant fact for me was that at the last moment, when I was about to leave on a plane one of the participants told me he was going to SECR for only 2 reports, one of which is mine.

    Boris Shteinberg
    Southern Federal University (Russian Federation)

  • Thank you for letting me participate in such a great experience. I really enjoyed all presentations I have attended. Great speakers and vast diversity of talks let me learn so much in such a short time.

    Kamil Grabowski
    Software Developer
    Menlo Innovations