Best talks and discussions | CEE-SECR 2015
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Best talks and discussions

  1. Mobile Apps Marketing
    Yury Melnichek, Mail.Ru Group / MAPS.ME Average score: 4,917 out of 5
  2. Smart TV Platforms through the eyes of mobile application developers
    Alexander Korshak, MERA Average score: 4,800 out of 5
  3. Will a Little Humpbacked Horse turn into a Unicorn: how to collect, protect and sell IP
    Dmitri Dubograev, FEMIDA.US Average score: 4,800 out of 5
  4. About experience of working with metrics for software quality assurance
    Alexander Kolesnikov, Kaspersky Lab Average score: 4,763 out of 5
  5. Master-class: Computer vision and augmented reality application development – now it is easy
    Alexander Kataev, Singularis Lab Average score: 4,714 out of 5
  6. Automatic Request Analyzer for QoS Enabled Storage System
    Svetlana Lazareva, RAIDIX Average score: 4,667 out of 5
  7. Master-class: Unorthodox universal motivation model built in accordance with mathematic ‘happiness’ concept
    Anton Semenchenko, COMAQA.BY Average score: 4,615 out of 5
  8. ISP RAS Linux Verfication Center: First Ten Years
    Moderator: Alexander Petrenko, ISP RAS Average score: 4,600 out of 5
  9. Operating from Your Greatest Position of Strength as a Leader in Today’s World
    David Goldsmith, Goldsmith Organization Average score: 4,591 out of 5
  10. Drivers & patterns of organization of effective software development
    Dmitry Bezuglyy, System Approach Average score: 4,588 out of 5
  11. Архитектура: естественное и искусственное
    Igor Bespalchuk, CUSTIS Average score: 4,583 out of 5
  12. Desktop automation testing tools. Comparison.
    Vadim Zubovich, ISSoft / DPI Average score: 4,578 out of 5
  13. Design for development
    Roman Kvartalnov, ZephyrLab Average score: 4,556 out of 5
  14. Cross-platform desktop app development with nw.js
    Kirill Danilov, amoCRM Average score: 4,556 out of 5
  15. Debugging and Profiling Cloud Apps? Sure, you can do it now!
    Vladimir Pavlov, SAP Labs Bulgaria Average score: 4,545 out of 5
  16. Experience of developing Cloud service for Video Surveillance
    Andrey Konovalov, Mera Average score: 4,500 out of 5
  17. From a freshman to an engineer. 4 university relations programs.
    Mikhail Salamatov, EMC Average score: 4,500 out of 5
  18. Smart data processing
    Dmitry Bugaychenko, Group Average score: 4,474 out of 5
  19. 5 Ways to Kill team via Code Review
    Artem Kolomeec, Kaspersky Lab Average score: 4,467 out of 5
  20. Triangle “Open kimono principle + Delegation + Self-Communication Management” as a motivation tool
    Anton Semenchenko, COMAQA.BY Average score: 4,460 out of 5
  21. Unsafe in Java 9: to be or to be removed?
    Alexey Fyodorov, Odnoklassniki Average score: 4,458 out of 5
  22. Cooperative network virtualization in the industrial server applications on Linux
    Vasiliy Tolstoy, EMC Average score: 4,455 out of 5
  23. clang as a parsing and code generation tool for C++
    Anton Naumovich, DPI.Solutions / LogicNow Average score: 4,449 out of 5
  24. Attack on Large Portals and Modern Technologies
    Sergey Belov, Digital Security Average score: 4,444 out of 5
  25. Block Level Data Compression in Linux. Pro et contra.
    Kirill Krinkin, SPbETU “LETI” Average score: 4,444 out of 5
  26. Code generation in .NET: theory, practice and T4 templates
    Pavel Muzyka, CUSTIS Average score: 4,417 out of 5
  27. PleskFS – hybrid file system for cloud web hosting
    Michael Rootman, Novosibirsk State University Average score: 4,400 out of 5
  28. CPU utilization prediction methods overview
    Marina Kudinova, MIPT (SU) Average score: 4,400 out of 5
  29. On Development of Static Analysis Tools for String-Embedded Languages
    Marat Khabibullin, St Petersburg Academic University Average score: 4,400 out of 5
  30. Out of Your Comfort Zone: How to Discover Growth Potential in Your Business?
    Dmitriy Kalaev, Internet Initiatives Development Fund Average score: 4,385 out of 5
  31. Discovering clones in software: from complex algorithms to everyday desktop tool
    Alexandr Suhinin, SpbPU / JetBrains Average score: 4,350 out of 5
  32. UX Kit – taming UX of a complex financial software
    Pavel Kiselyov, Deutsche Bank Average score: 4,333 out of 5
  33. Creating Video Assistant for Retails. Gained experience.
    Denis Doronin, Mera Average score: 4,333 out of 5
  34. Experience of internet shop setup for large and well known retailer on eCommerce platform IBM Websphere Commerce
    Alexey Pryadko, Reksoft Average score: 4,333 out of 5
  35. The role of IT in calculating xVA and derivatives credit risk
    Jennifer Trelewicz, Deutsche Bank Average score: 4,333 out of 5
  36. Vectorize or die! Advanced vectorization techniques
    Dmitry Petunin, Intel Average score: 4,333 out of 5
  37. Master-class: Quickly and effectively. How to estimate large projects?
    Vyacheslav Moskalenko, Luxoft Average score: 4,333 out of 5
  38. Practical experience of modeling requirements in business analysis
    Dmitriy Dzyuba, NVision Program Solution Average score: 4,313 out of 5
  39. How to launch projects quickly while keeping the User Experience in mind
    Ruslan Savvotin, Average score: 4,308 out of 5
  40. Development vs Testing – who is on the crucial path
    Sergey Gridnev, Kaspersky Lab Average score: 4,300 out of 5
  41. Management of project stakeholders
    Ilya Kashtankin, SimbirSoft Average score: 4,300 out of 5
  42. How research helps to develop and verify interfaces
    Ksenia Sternina, Group Average score: 4,300 out of 5
  43. Online IT Education
    Nikolay Vyahhi, Stepic / Bioinformatics Institute Average score: 4,286 out of 5
  44. Meteor on hands of developers
    Sergey Sukhanov, First Line Software Average score: 4,286 out of 5
  45. Cloud service of personalized recommendations for 20,000 online stores: secrets, algorithms, technology
    Aleksandr Serbul, 1C-Bitrix Average score: 4,273 out of 5
  46. IT-education: how to teach what not exists?
    Igor Odintsov, SPbSU Average score: 4,269 out of 5
  47. Automated deployment of database changes using Liquibase
    Alexey Moskvin, Deutsche Bank Average score: 4,250 out of 5
  48. OpenOnload: raising performance of distributed systems
    Vladimir Kishik, Deutsche Bank Average score: 4,235 out of 5
  49. Python Code Performance: Tools for Tuning
    Vasily Litvinov, Intel Average score: 4,222 out of 5
  50. On development of application for Intel RealSense to animate avatar based 3D models using user’s mimicry
    Aleksey Alekseev, Singularis Lab Average score: 4,200 out of 5

Gold sponsors

Deutsche BankIntelSAPJetBrainsSberTech

Silver Sponsors

First Line SoftwareEMCKaspersky LabQlik


LuxoftProgram Verification SystemsDigital DesignOracle

Innovative Sponsor


Embedded Sponsor


Main partners

RussoftAP KITSecon 2015

In cooperation

ACMACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering

Technical partners

Hosting CenterReisebuero WELTSoftware EngineeringOdin

Mobile partner


With support of



Software Russiai-Help

The conference is over

See you at CEE-SECR 2016!

  • As a speaker I really liked the conference organization — everything was quick and exactly as was agreed. As a participant I really enjoyed the conference program. Sometimes due to two or even three interesting reports in parallel tracks, it was almost impossible to make a choice, but I think it is a good thing for a conference.

    Maxim Dorofeev
    Managing partner

  • SECR is an impressive conference: it covers a broad range of computer science topics, has engaged and excited speakers and attendees, is well organized, and generally a lot of fun to attend. It’s a great place to learn about new topics and meet experts in the field.

    Chris Lattner
    Founder and chief architect

  • It was nice being back in Moscow and at CEE-SECR. It is a very well organized conference you have, quite different in scope from the normal “western” conferences I attend — and I mean that positively. There is a more practitioner approach, but still some academic touch. And you seem to have a very enthusiastic — and growing — audience attending. So you must be on the right track.

    Lars Bendix
    Associate professor
    Lund University, Sweden

  • Thank you for letting me participate in such a great experience. I really enjoyed all presentations I have attended. Great speakers and vast diversity of talks let me learn so much in such a short time.

    Kamil Grabowski
    Software Developer
    Menlo Innovations

  • What most struck me in this conference was excellent quality of some talks. They were not simply technical showcases of features, techniques and products—which would be very useful indeed—but fully inspirational talks and faithful reports from the trenches of everyday work. These days it’s so easy to find tons of posts, tutorials and articles to explain the hows; it’s much harder to get inspired instead. This is today the primary goal of a technical software conference.

    Dino Esposito
    Technical evangelist

  • CEE-SECR is different from other conferences: successful smiling friendly people give the impression that I was on another planet; The conference is well organized and comfortable for participants, there was a speakers’ room, WiFi, space for participants discussions with a board and a screen. A pleasant fact for me was that at the last moment, when I was about to leave on a plane one of the participants told me he was going to SECR for only 2 reports, one of which is mine.

    Boris Shteinberg
    Southern Federal University (Russian Federation)