TelecomDaily is one of the most popular and quoted information-analytical agency in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia.
The main activities:
- www.TelecomDaily.ru. Updated every day, website, that contains dozens of news on telecommunications market;
- Formation of analytical reports on telecommunications market;
- Organization of public events, such as press conferences, seminars, round tables, etc.
«RUBEZH magazine is the first Russian trade and lifestyle magazine on the topic of security.It is addressed primarily to systems integrators,security equipment vendors,administrative officials and employees of specialized services.RUBEZH magazine is a regular participant of Russian and international exhibitions,public forums and conferences.We offer our readers complete and current information:expert opinions,interviews,technical solutions reviews,events coverage,practical recommendations of specialists.The magazine is distributed throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries.
Every day MSKIT.ru publishes 50+ news, including interviews with the members of IT market, analytical and review materials, descriptions of the IT projects etc.
Readers can post their own news, as well as take advantage of the interactive services: directory of IT companies and publication of events announcements.
Web portal ITSZ.ru is devoted to high technology news of St. Petersburg, North-West Federal District and Russia as a whole.
Every day ITSZ.ru publishes 50+ news, including interviews with the members of IT market, analytical and review materials, descriptions of the IT projects etc.
Web portal NNIT.ru is dedicated to high-tech news of Nizhny Novgorod, Volga Federal District and Russia as a whole.
Every day NNIT.ru publishes 50+ news, including interviews with the members of IT market, analytical and review materials, descriptions of the IT projects etc.
Readers can post their own news, as well as take advantage of the interactive services: directory of IT companies and publication of events announcements.
SaaS.ru — the independent information portal devoted to the market of Cloud technologies. The portal works since November, 2012 and unites in uniform virtual space of the main players of the cloud market: service providers, professionals of the market, consumers and potential consumers of “cloud” services. The main objective of information resource is to become an entry point in information space of Cloud Computing of the Russian-speaking Internet.
SecurityLab is one of the most well-known information security resources in Russia. News and information about various events connected to information security from all over the world, security bulletins of IT vendors, original and translated analytical articles are published on the portal. The most important part of the portal is the latest information about published vulnerabilities and recommendations on their elimination in the Russian language. Thousands of information security experts from Russia, CIS and foreign countries visit the forum of the portal every day. Securitylab ensures information support being a media partner of the main industry events.
Positive Technologies is at the cutting edge of IT security. We are one of the top ten worldwide vendors of vulnerability assessment systems and among the top five fastest-growing firms in Security & Vulnerability Management globally. We have over a decade of experience in detecting and managing vulnerabilities in IT systems. We put research at the heart of our operations to ensure our products and services help clients to reduce costs, improve efficiency and manage risk. With offices in London, Moscow, Dubai, Mumbai, Seoul and Tunis, we are one of the largest security research facilities in Europe.
The federal media resource www.comprice.ru is the mass media devoted to the market of IT.
www.comprice.ru offers a content interesting, both for beginners, and for professionals of the computer market.
Our purpose – to inform actual and trustworthy information on the market of high technologies, to all who needs it. СOMPRICE.RU motto: “Choose from good the best, and from the best – accessible!”
apps4all.ru is a unique combination of services for the entire ecosystem of mobile applications and devices. None of the competing sites both in the domestic and in the international segment of the Internet, does not offer a combination of services that are already implemented in apps4all.ru.
By allowing developers to place their full portfolio of mobile projects, apps4all.ru stands out by its tender organization system, that allows clients to find developers for their projects, and developers to get orders for the development of mobile applications.
AppTractor.ru — the Russian website dedicated to mobile development and monetization of mobile applications. We tell about the applications, tools and methods of earnings, applications economy and everything related. Our audience is young people, developers of mobile applications and just interested in high-tech, with the informal approach to life, enthusiasts of their job. Project AppTractor.ru helps them believe in themselves, inspires and provides benchmarks.
System Administrator Journal is a cult magazine for IT professionals. Want to get new skills and knowledge? To get higher salary? Become a cool specialist? Follow us! Join the caste of IT professionals! Get recognized!
Publications themes: 1. Computers. Informatics. Software. 2. Scientific and technical publications. RAS News. News of high schools 3. Mail. Telecom.
XAKEP is an extremely popular Russian IT-magazine. We write on trends and technologies, as well as on specific topics related to IT and IT-safety. Detailed HOWTO, practical materials on development and administering, interviews with outstanding persons that have created technological products and famous IT companies, and of course expert articles on information security.
Greenhouse of Social Technologies is a public education project. Our mission is to develop civic culture of online applications creation. We associate civil society activists and IT-specialists. With one, we talk about creating online applications. To others we explain what social problems can be solved with the help of information technologies. We believe that geeks and social activists can help each other, just do not know how. Our task is to introduce them.
The magazine Internet v Tsyfrakh is the first periodical covering numbers, facts and analysis of the Internet industry. The magazine includes analytical materials as well as a number of opinion articles by well-known Internet journalists.
RUNET-ID — largest Russian Internet resource devoted to Russian Internet companies. In the new version the portal combines the calendar of important events of Runet, the branch mass-media, video, as well as the database of vacancies in Internet companies. Today, the site recorded about 100 thousand professionals of IT and media. The updated draft offers its visitors more convenient structure, which will gather all the necessary Internet professional sections within a single network platform.
Since 2004 PR-group develops spbit.ru and ICT-Online.ru. Portals write about events and trends in the information technologies market: news of telecommunications, system integration and computer market, interview, analytical materials, descriptions of projects, announcements of actions. Spbit.ru – for Petersburg and the Northwest federal district, ICT-Online.ru – for Moscow and RF. More than 5,5 thousand visitors daily, more than 2,5 thousand followers to daily mailing.
Security: Information Review magazine is a specialized issue dedicated to the problems of effective organization of security systems. The audience of the magazine is managers, responsible for the security of commercial structures. Our creed is exclusively practical character of the materials that lets us equip top managers with knowledge about modern approaches to security problems and the ways of solving it.
PC Week/Russian Edition is a weekly IT newspaper. The newspaper covers leading technologies, news of the world and Russian computer markets of interest to corporate user. It is distributed free of charge to companies with more than 10 PCs.
CRN/Russian Edition
PC Magazine/Russian Edition is the leading monthly computer magazine. The magazine covers the latest world and Russian technological developments and products of interest to a wide spectrum of users.
Bestsellers of IT market analyzes market status, general competitive situation, trends and key events in the main hardware segments: computers and components, peripherals, consumables, UPS, presentation equipment, telecommunications, digital cameras and other… Frequency: Four times a year A4 magazine Circulation: 20,000 Distribution: Free of charge delivery (90%): vendors, distributors, resellers (45%), it-managers of non-computer companies (45%). Editorial subscription, retail, marketing fund – 10%.
www.bytemag.ru covers the wide range of profound issues, including informational security, software and hardware, networking equipment, architecture of IT systems, data management, software development for various platforms, and data security.
CMS Magazine
Sarov Technopark
PROJECT MANAGEMENT Journal (ISSN 1814-2133) published since 2004.
Subjects covered by the Journal: developing and increasing effectiveness in managing corporate projects, programs and project portfolios; development and improvement of corporate project management systems, offices for project and program management; competencies development; analysis of project and program cases that offer certain difficulties and complications in organizational and managerial aspects. Our authors are well-known experts and practical specialists in the industry. The Journal is intended for a general readership: middle and top level of management; practical professionals in various branches of industry, as well as public and social administration; coaches and trainers, both professional and entrants.
The Journal is an open space for professionals wishing to share their experience in managing projects, programs and project portfolios.
Editor in Chief: Oleg Tumasov.
Softline is a leading global IT (information technology) solution provider operating on different markets all around the world including Russia and CIS, Latin America, India and Southeast Asia. Our expertise includes complex technology solutions, software licensing, hardware products and services.
East-West Digital News, the leading international resource on digital industries in Russia, provides news, business analysis and industry reports pertaining to the Internet, ecommerce, mobile and telecom markets as well as software and hardware innovation. A consulting branch, East-West Digital Consulting, provides market players with assistance for their business development in Russia.
Retail & Loyalty Journal: Servicing mass customer in the real and virtual world
Retail & Loyalty Readership Periodicity – 9 issues per year. Average readership per Issue – 17 600 persons. Print run – 4 000 copies. Number of readers per single copy (on average) – 4.4. The publication is distributed by subscription (through the Editorial Office and agencies) and among the attendees of industry-specific events supported by the Journal on the territory of the Russian Federation, the CIS and other countries. Released after the twentieth day of every other month, starting from January. The subscription to the Journal is available at the editorial office and agencies.
The Journal audience:
- TOP-managers of food, non-food, DIY, fashion, HoReCa, e-Commerce retail businesses;
- Leading experts in online and offline retail;
- Staff of airlines, insurance companies, fuel stations, tour operators
- Services and solutions providers;
- Market regulators and other entities.
Web portal DailyComm publishes up-to-date information concerning information technology, electronics, Internet and telecommunications. Our site provides information space for IT market players to publish their own materials and articles.
Target audience – vendors’ representatives, distributors, resellers, system integrators, developers, retailers, and IT specialists from other companies (banks, companies, etc.).
Site’s coverage area — the territory of Russian Federation.
Blog of «Internet of Things»
Internet Development Fund initiatives (IIDF) provides funding and expert resources, as well as acceleration programs, for IT companies at the early stages of development. Participating in the Accelerator, teams discover growth-hacks with the top experts of Russian industry. Since 2013 over 150 companies have been involved in IIDF 3-month acceleration program.
Belorussian community of business and system analytics
“Xpir.Ru” is a platform for expert scientists and entrepreneurs. The main purpose of the website is to help prominent scientists, business and government to interact and create new superior scientific, technical and social projects that are in demand.
“Xpir.Ru” talks about funding methods of research projects in simple and accessible way, publishes the latest news, case studies and interviews, and contains updated database of scientific and technical projects.
The National Bank Magazine is the national scale business edition, devoted to the problems of the banking community. It was established by Association of Russian Banks in November, 2003.
The magazine covers a state of the domestic banking market, its part in the development of national economy and society, its place in the world financial system.
Three topical sections “Banks & World”, “Banks & Business”, “Banks & Society” disclose peculiarities of the bank community’s life and its activity in Russia and abroad. Every issue has a key topic, and basic articles refer to it.
CyberBionic Systematics
Information-analytical magazine “Practice Management” has been publishing since 2014 by the initiative of the Corporate and Project Management Institute with purpose to highlight actual issues in various spheres of economic activity.
The magazine is a quality and reliable source of information, a faithful assistant and solid tool in the formulation of strategic decisions, as well as a battery of new ideas in the field of management and technology of domestic and international experience.
Each issue of the magazine “Practice Management” contains expert articles covering the main theme of the issue; interviews with key figures and market experts; review of international practice and the history of the question. Moreover, there are CPMI Experts’ developments, analytical reviews of actual documents, regulating management questions, Experts’ comments, calendar of specialized conferences and other relevant and useful information in the section “Examination”.
Authors of the magazine — business journalists, experts and analysts, experts in finance, economics, business, corporate and project management, automation of enterprises of the fuel and energy sector, processing industry and construction.
The nature of the audience — heads of federal and regional authorities, top managers, business owners, professionals, influential members of the political elite, with an active lifestyle and high social status.
Gorod Rabot